I got all inspired to write again because I find myself with an extra hour this morning, and yesterday I discovered that a friend of mine had given me a shout-out from his website, "Give Us Art!" Here is a link to the page where he did it. I had recommended an artist for his blog. http://giveusart.com/2011/06/02/stunning-glasswork-judith-schaechter/#comment-160
Anyway: I'm gettin' married. I thought I'd tell you about it because obviously, it's my latest project. We've chosen colors, ordered flowers from Safeway, started assembling favor boxes, bought dresses, and created & sent out invites. Here's the art from the front of the invites:
I sketched that in my drawing book, photographed it, and colored it using the free Paint program that came with my computer. We've also put together a website, but it doesn't seem wise to share that with the wide wide world. Suffice it to say, that was a fun project! I was all over it.
Neither of us is originally from the state in which we live; we're getting married in my home state, some 350 miles away, so my Mom is helping with a lot of the running around. The biggest challenge right now seems to be locating and affording a wedding cake.
My town doesn't seem to have many cheap options; it has seemed like the only cake we can afford is the type with that frosting that I have always scraped off of the cake before eating. My main bridal pickiness has been that I don't want that cake. The cake is hundreds of dollars...it's not fair that it should also taste like cheap work-birthday-party sheet cake. It should be special, I think. I'm also aiming at plain-looking, so that the flowers can be the decoration--see the below example photo from theknot.com:
We did find a caterer whose cakes sounded delicious and much more to my taste, and she's even affordable, but she totally disregarded my request for references--and those online seemed to be 2/3 written by her. Also, when we asked whether it would be possible for my folks to visit & test the goods, she replied that the taste would cost $100 because it required so much effort on her part. I can't blame her, she being a one-man-show. Still, I am spoiled by modern life and want references and a taste of the goods, so she's out for now. Pooey.
I have made a birdcage veil to wear in the ceremony. That required buying one of those little curved hair-combs, weaving some narrow ribbon through the base of its tines, and sewing netting to the ribbon. The lady at the fabric store kindly gave me a 5-minute demonstration, although there are also classes available there. I lucked out in that I have a wig form, so I was able to sort of sculpt the netting as I went, and to take into account the fact that I will wear the comb on the side. She's slightly creepy, isn't she? Even more amusingly creepy, she's styrofoam so when necessary I pinned the veil right to her head. Ouch.
All right, I might add more to this topic (or maybe I won't write again for another year, so don't hold your breath waiting or anything). For now, though, I've gotta go. Talk to you in a bit!